Thursday, June 19, 2008

V-A-C-A-tion part 2

let's get back to the VAY-CAY.

being that Liam and i went to yosemite last year for a school trip-we had lots of exciting things to show pops and carey. our teacher took us up to sierra point-which is no longer a trail and rangers highly discourage anyone from doing it-danger factor. i wanted to take the boys up there but the trail is sketchy and hard to find-i know i could find it again-but it would take awhile and time was limited. plus, i wasn't in as good of shape as i was a year ago and it was hard on my knees coming down. i didn't want to risk messing up the rest of the vacation. so, we opted to hike to the top of vernal falls instead-something liam and i never did. it was a 1000 feet elevation gain over a short hike-shit! it hurt! my pics don't do it justice.
this is the cutest bathroom ever- about half way up the trail-can you say cute????who hikes up the toilet paper? the toilets even flushed!!!!! yipee!here's the falls:the greatest part was when you were beginning to really hot the mists would saturate you-ahhh! hence the name-mist trail!we were famished and on our way down we promised the kids pizza on the valley floor in curry village. well, when we got there every other person in yosemite had the same idea-the line was off the patio and down the trail. damn! sorry kids. we had to leave as we had to move to yet another campsite-don't even ask me how many times we did this on our trip- you see we waited to the last minute to decide we were even going to yosemite-camping reservations are impossible if you don't make them fricken 10 years in advance. it was getting dark -we needed to drive outside the park to our new site and set up camp and make dinner. gads! it was tofu dogs for us once we set up camp. our new campsite was filled with gooseberries!!!! does anyone know if they loose their prickles when they are ripe?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pictures, thanks for sharing!!