okay-i'm trying to post these photos of my seven merino rovings i dyed at last saturday's dye-in before i make dinner and head to little son's mandolin lesson/my banjo lesson in town. the photos don't do them justice. they seem washed out. if anyone has any tips for photographing fiber to capture the true color i would love to hear it!(or read it) i was in one of my swampy murky moods-in fact when "big" son saw one of them he said -you should name that one "swamp."-yippee!! that's the effect i wanted to acheieve-not only am i a hoppy gurl-i'm a swam
py gurl!
there is no white-the sun washed out the photo.

You were one busy gurl - you never stopped working. Okay, you did on occasion, but I was impressed by your tenacity and your record keeping. I hope you'll blog about what you learned from the variations you tried. Your results are wonderful, and I too struggle with trying to get my pix to do justice to the subject. I've found that outside Ian's DSLR gets the best results and for inside my Nikon CoolPix gets the best results, but I don't know why that is. I'm sure you're chomping at the bit to see how these rovings convert to yarn. More blog foddor!
The colours are lovely! As for depicting the exact colour - I'll share some secrets... and perhaps some software.
love ya
Second thoughts - will you share which one your son called swamp and what you did to achieve it???
You got some really sharp and inspiring photos, and my only suggestion is to try to photograph in natural light but out of direct sunlight... and against a white background. I was impressed too by the volume of work you accomplished. I ran out of yarns to dye myself and can't wait to try again.
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