this blog is a peek into my life of mountain biking, fiber, knitting, spinning, and learning to sew. life is too short to worry about capital letters!
then this occurred: check out nettie's cute tee. sorry no pic of my shamrock socks!
so then we decided to go downtown and party more-luckily nettie lives in walking distance so we hoofed it. past the old classic car, thru the old cemetery and thru a bit of woods.
we end up at the back entry of an old brewery-one beer and some nice but sleepy celtic music(no jigging happening at that point!)we head for some sushi and "lucky" sake-the kind with the gold in it that you drink out of a box for good luck and abundance-nettie assured me it was good-i kept having wine in a box visions-gag! but it was wonderful-check these pics out:GOLD! see waitress putting the gold in.
after fun at the sushi house we head out for some dancing-most places were pretty lame or charging cover(i refuse unless it's something really good) so we end up at" the crazy horse" a place we never go to-but boy oh boy-that's where the fun was-a 70's cover band, no cover and crazy folks-this group of gals was having way too much fun!
nettie and i must have been having way too much fun too as there were many pictures like this on my camera:
well, we made it back to nettie's and i spent the night-the next morning i headed home with wet white wool.
note-tea is behind girl playing banjo sticker and the beautiful daffodils and berries were hand delivered by my sweet 6 year old neighbor "raena" who informed me the strawberries were from her garden and her cousin made the plate. now miss raena is quite well known as a phenomenal story teller. like the time i fed her beet borscht and she told me how she loves borscht and the first time she ever tried it was the previous week when she and her dad went to russia for two nights and that's all they ate. now, if we were further along in the summer i might have believed the berries were from her garden-they have great ones-but i had just seen her berry bed and it was still sleeping. and the plate-well, hmmm? but the flowers just made my day-they do have them everywhere and my kitchen smelled so sweet.
well, i've tried posting earlier this week but my hands were just too darn sore. been doing a lot of physical property work. got 2 kinds of potatoes planted-yellow finns and nugget rusts. planted snow peas and lacinato kale too. i can't believe that my mixed lettuce bed survived all the snow and now the heat has caused them to bolt. damn. but the hens are happy. clover sprouts everywhere. hazel "grace" prefers her water from the dog bowl.
well, despite my sore hands i did get some spinning done at "spinning saturday"-a local spinning group that meets at the public library-what a fun time we had. and it seems like when we've exhausted all possible fiber discussions we end up ranting about politics. one observant spinner noted that when this happens we all start spinning super fast! as talk of our country's president escalated one spinner brought up the incident of people placing little flags with george's face on them into dog poop. i wondered if this was true or some kind of urban myth. so, the minute i got home i googled it. and sure enough-it was true. here's the proof-i guess it has been big in germany. what a statement.
on a lighter note- i did finish my 2 green hats for my etsy store in time for my st. patrick's day special- free shipping on any hand knit "green" item thru the month of march. the gnome hat turned out a bit dr. suessy-the yarn was super soft.