OOPS! yes, with capitol letters!!!!!! Horrors of Horrors as i was paruising(my word) the net this morning it came to my attention i made a big blunder on my last post-which i have since made good. it was not the "lime and violet" gurls attending the grand opening at "VERB" but the STASH and BURN gurls. then my friend Luci emailed me and confirmed my blunder-gads how could i be so lame. like i said-i don't keep up with such matters-i'm fairly luditey (another of my words)-and must admit i have never listened to a podcast in my life. i don't really know how...despite WonderMike's many attempts to help me with this issue.
my apologies to Jenny and Nicole!
my goodness it's been over three weeks since i've posted! what's up with that? where the heck have i been? well, I've been to chicago and back, a celtic festival, put out another edition of the town newsletter, homeschooling and just dang busy. too dang busy. i start getting pissy when i haven't the time time to post- just ask the family. i have future blog posts planned for my trip east and the magical world of gaelic fairies, sacrifices and strong men in kilts-but alas, they take time. more time than i have right now...as i prepare dinner, weigh wool, look over liam's science paper, knit on 3 different projects simultaneously while working on my blog-oh yeah, did i mention all at the same freakin time. no wonder i'm frazzled. i just can't do one thing at a time.
all i have time for is a quick upate on knitting projects and a few misc. things.
here's my tidepool socks. i'm so loving this pattern.
i'm STILL working on the sleeves of my catamount sweater.
been doing some spinning:
this is some merino i dyed with "baby" items in mind. started another vest:
im also involved with the criminal minds mystery kerchief knit along-this is a very fun project!!!
been harvesting rosehips.
been cooking with our own garlic and now it's time to get a new crop in the ground! i'm so not ready!!! thinking of turning current garden into a goat/sheep pen this coming spring.
enough for now-need to get busy!