as usual our field trip was awesome! we started out at the western railway museum.

as i grow older i have some regrets of my spent young adulthood. i didn't know about youth hostels. i could have traveled more. when i was young and unattached i could have gotten a job at a hostel and lived in a groovy little pad like this: and walk to the beach!

tuesday, we woke and made breakfast and sandwhiches for lunch. we hiked from the hostel to santa maria beach.

on the way we saw tons of dew laden spiderwebs. the traditional and the crazy-check out this one.

we hiked north up the beach and hooked up to the coast trail that led back to the hostel. liam and i witness a snake eating a mouse. i was so engrossed i forgot to take a picture...damn! i guess i would never make it as a national geographic photographer. the hike was about 5 miles. the hostel is closed during the day-till 4:30. so we headed to the town of inverness for an ice cream treat. liam and i were ansy. we decided to do some more hiking. we went out to abbotts lagoon. did another 4 mile hike. we played in sand dunes. watched a blue heron up close.

and got to see some california happy cows.

needless to say-we got back to the hostel after dark. tired and hungry. our group had a warm dinner waiting for us-thanks everyone!!!
the next morning we went to limantour beach. liam loves the ocean!!!!

i was very happy to see construction- they were removing dams in the estuary to allow the natural flow to happen and now the salmon could make it back to the ocean!!!

sadly the trip is always too short-here's liam and our beloved teacher betsy-she plans this fall trip every year!!! thanks betsy!!!

when we leave the hostel we have to drive thru one of my favorite coastal towns-point reyes station. i could live there. i love that town. -the only complaint i had- it was warm-even down right hot at times- and sunny. i don't mean to complain-but not enough fog and cold for my liking. i crave fog and mist. i want to wear wool.
Tee hee, you probably got your wearing wool wish this week, its downright chilly!
awesome photos!!
I love that hostel...I always wanted to work in one too and have always regretted it.
I do love that area - what a great trip you had. There's so much geology there when you think that the two tectonic plates meet right there where you were. Yeah, I wish I would have been in tune when I was a youth - but I wasn't. I'm liking now - now.
Excellent! It's time like these, reading of your adventures and looking at those excellent pix that life-among-the-cornfields is just a little more pale. Tell Liam, Otis the Hedgehog is doing fine!. . .
Wooly you go on the most wonderful trips.. These photos are amazing... I love where you go.. now I know why John would love to go there... thank you .. those birds are spectacular!!!!!
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