Thursday, November 27, 2008

gobble gobble! (thanks sara!)

it's thanksgiving morning. the family is still sleeping. blue has grown out of two crates and i haven't been able to get a bigger one yet. so.......i have to get up with him. (or all hell breaks loose!) i thought i'd get caught up on my blog. but i'd rather be sleeping in. i haven't been sleeping well-so i'm feeling worn out and tired.

we always watched the macy's day parade on the tube when i was a kid-alas we have no tv. liam has never seen it. maybe carey watches it at his mom's. i hear the big smurf float was awesome. for those who also missed it.....
we finally got a little much needed rain yesterday. not enough though. i'm worried. i'm having to water the fall garden. i planted some soil builder cover crop in my raised beds. it is finally coming up. i love borage. it thrives in the cooler weather!

blue's not allowed in the garden-he loves to all the wrong places. sorry blue!

i planted onions and garlic for the first time ever. i'm very excited. it's been so warm look at my garlic already!my radishes are about 3 inches tall, i don't know if my beets are gonna make it. i planted everything too late. the lettuce is like half and inch tall. procrastination happens. on the hen front.....the gurls have been molting.....not a pretty site.egg production has been very low. but hey...i think they deserve a break! the stray dogs have been migrating thru the property a lot these days. free ranging days are over for the time being. i almost let them out yesterday. not 5 minutes later 3 large strays were there ready for trouble. my throat hurts from screaming at them. i'm going to expand the fenced in hen yard this winter so they have even more room to run around and give them more shade in the summer. i'm starting to plan some murals for the hen's gonna be fun! it's a bit plain right now.i have a new apron to add to my collection. i got it from joan at "ala mode" in grass valley. i wish i had a picture of her cute little vintage clothing store. maybe i'll do that another day. i've been visiting her store which has moved around; since carey was 4 years old- he's almost 17 now-gulp!close up of the pocket.....
happy thanksgiving everyone! i have much to be thankful for. i feel blessed.


Gwen Buchanan said...

Happy Thanks giving to you and your family.. that fall garden sure makes me wish that was possible here... no that would be a thanksgiving!!!

Beautiful pictures by the way!!!

soxchik said...

I still watch the parade every year with the kids (and the dog show that follows it). One year my parents took us into the city to see it and we froze our fannies off. It was way cool though.

P.S. I have apron envy!

Birdsong said...

Nice chickie digs! I love how you have provided them with beauty and color. The apron's cool too; where is Joan's store these days? I have found and lost her a few times in the past 15 years.

Sharon said...

I love love love Blue's handsome ears!

Jen-Jenny-Jennifer said...

I, too, used to watch the Macy's event. My kids find it boring, which makes me kinda sad. The little weather bites that you give drives home the crisis our poor planet is in...I'm worried for you on the rain front. I'm also a little worried for us on the snow front--it feels like Iowa might be in for another winter like last year. Oy.