i'm a bit spacey. today marks the 7th day of my annual spring brown rice cleanse. i used to do it for two weeks. then it went down to 10 days. now, since having kids-it's only seven days. it's about all i can manage without killing everyone. you know- having to school and cook everyone meals. i never juice fast(i'm not that masochistic!)-my body just can't handle it but i do a brown rice cleanse- besides rice, i eat veggies and miso soup with lots of seaweed. tonight i made my last pot of rice-it's starting to make me gag. how did i ever do it for 2 weeks? i guess not having to cook for a family made a difference. tonight carey made dinner-homemade spaghetti sauce-the smell made me salivate-mmmm! i almost grabbed a handful of noodles and shoved them in my mouth-but i was so close to making the 7 seven days i restrained. here was lunch:

so now night has fallen and my body is really sore now.... my bed is calling. but! i wanted to share with you what i've been spinning. i'm going to a dye workshop this weekend taught by sara lamb. i really wanted to dye some yarn this time and not roving. but i've put myself on yarn restriction so i can't buy any new yarn. so i won't buy any undyed yarn-i have to make it. i have plenty of white roving so i've been spinning up a storm. this is the roving i got from 13 mile lamb & wool co. when me and the boys drove to idaho, wyoming and montana last summer. the ranch is in montana. i have a previous post about our visit. check out their solar powered mill! the sheep are raised organically and they follow predator-friendly guide lines. they also use natural dyes for their yarns. i was a bit bummed when the tag on this roving said- lamb w625. i mean couldn't the lamb have a cute name like buttercup or clover?