Saturday, November 17, 2007

ching ching!

i made my first 4$ on a dozen eggs-wow! maybe i can cut into my organic chicken feed bill! the wild turkeys have been stealing into the chicken feed making it so expensive. hopefully that will all change tomorrow. i have a friend coming over tomorrow early-to do some turkey hunting!!! i'm done with these pests! can't believe ben franklin wanted this bird to be the national bird-argh!

well we have embarked tonight on eating our very first wild mushroom. i was very nervous.
hubby and liam went mushrooming and then i took them over to a friend who knows shrooms-just to make sure. of all they collected-this baby was edible. the short stemmed russula. not known for it's flavor-but it is safe. we sauteed it with garlic, tamari and broccolivery tasty indeed!


Beryl Moody said...

What a whopper mushroom. Scarey business eating wild mushrooms, but some are quite tasty!

soxchik said...

Whoah! That's a big honkin shroom. The meal looks absolutely delicious. And by the way, you guys are such brave souls!

Sharon said...

That bubbling dish looks yummy, but I would be paralyzed with fright at eating wild mushrooms - I'm a wuss. I'm trying to get an Etsy store opened by the end of the month and keep looking at yours (and a couple others) for ideas. Your store is really nice.

Birdsong said...

I have had some wild mushrooms over the years, but sure am not good at that... are you going to the Fungus Foray at North Columbia 12/8? I am glad you lived to tell the tale...